European heart. Global footprint.
Created in France in 1989, Stimulus is the European leader specialised in mental health and well-being at work.
We believe in the complementarity between the collective approach of organisations and the individual support of employees. We are convinced that this approach, which has enabled us to become a key player in France, must be made available to global players for all their employees worldwide.
- Comprehensive approach to mental health and well-being at work
- Scientific expertise
- High-level multidisciplinary methodology
Our team, dedicated to international projects
To foster well-being and performance, it is necessary to involve complementary expertise.
This is why our team is made up of nearly 200 experts from the human sciences: psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, statisticians, ergonomists, human resources specialists and a back office entirely dedicated to your success.

Christine Loos
Director of International Strategy

Ketut David-Liege
International Project Manager

Lisbet Alfonso
International Account Manager

Célia Brahimi
International Account Manager

Hélène Ledoux
Business Developer International Projects

Marta Terragnoli
International Account Manager
Know more about mental health at work around the world
Mental health at work :
An international overview on reality, stakes and prevention strategies

Positive Impact Plan
In 2020, Human & Work began to reflect collectively on an ambitious Positive Impact Project, which is embodied in our ambition today:
Building together an inclusive, responsible and serene workplace.
We take this motto very seriously, and commit to implementing everything in our power to help our group and our stakeholders to progress in Positive Impact and more specifically in our field of expertise.