35 years of expertise in mental health in the workplace

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Since 1989, Stimulus has been helping organisations to develop a strong culture of mental health prevention.

Today, our experts are pursuing the work begun 35 years ago by Dr Patrick LĂ©geron by offering our customers and beneficiaries a comprehensive approach to the prevention of PSR and health in the workplace.

Through interviews and articles throughout the year, we invite you to rediscover Stimulus, its history, its expertise and its DNA based on an evidence-based scientific approach.


Interview with Patrick LĂ©geron
Psychiatrist and Founder of Stimulus

Interview of Dirk Antonissen
Partner Stimulus Care Services

Interview of Christine Loos
Partner International Strategy

Interview of Aurélie Judlin
Partner Consulting & Learning

Interview of Gabrielle Basquine
Consulting Director

Interview of Sarah Chalandon-Goldman
Head of Learning