In both change projects or occupational health policies, Stimulus offers you its long-standing expertise in conducting quantitative and qualitative diagnostic studies of occupational stress and psychosocial risks at work.
Assessing well to understand better
Our experts can help you to :
Assess stress, psychosocial risks and well-being of your employees
- Quantitative and/or qualitative studies
- Support for legal compliance according to local legislation
- Advice and support for management, human resources and employee representatives
Evaluate the effectiveness of psychological health at work policies
- Audit of the QWL policy
- Measuring the effects of an action, an action plan or a prevention system
Assess the consequences of a transformation project on commitment and QWL
- Human impact studies
- Assessment of the support needs of teams and managers
Focus on... Stimulus FlashEval

- 30 scientifically validated questions on stress, autonomy, workload, role clarity, recognition...
- Questions dedicated to the pandemic crisis
- 8 segmentation criteria (gender, age, family situation, working conditions...)
- Available in French, Spanish and Italian
- Data analysis by Stimulus and feedback within a week
With this survey, you can quickly obtain clear and objective indicators regarding your employees' psychological health, their psychosocial risk factors and their well-being levers. Based on this data, you will be able to design efficient action plans to improve well-being in your company.
Human Impact Studies
Diagnoses are photographs of the company at a given moment.
In contexts of change, we go beyond that: we assess the future.
Human Impact Studies go beyond anticipating the effects of changes on the psychology and behaviour of the individuals. They evaluate the chances of success of a project.
The aim is to:
- Integrate human aspects in the analysis of risks upstream of change projects
- Enforce a work organisation that is beneficial to the physical and mental health of employees affected by the transformation
- Optimise the chances of success