Advantages and benefits of implementing psychological therapy in companies

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of employees seeking therapeutic help to deal with work-related problems. This has been reflected in an increase in the number of absences from work due to mental health problems, which has become a concern for many companies. As a result, many companies have taken steps, such as incorporating mental health measures, to prevent and address these problems. The role of the psychologist in the workplace has become increasingly important in companies, improving the physical and emotional well-being of employees.

Main reasons why employees ask for psychological help

There are a variety of personal and professional reasons why employees may see a psychologist. Among the most common causes are stress, interpersonal conflicts, communication problems, demotivation, anxiety and bullying. In the following, we will take a closer look at the three most common reasons why employees often need professional help.

Stress or burnout

Stress originating in the workplace can be triggered by pressure, demands and work overload, generating both physical and emotional symptoms. Among its different forms, stress manifests itself in the form of headaches, fatigue, anxiety, irritability and difficulty falling asleep. It is important that people suffering from stress receive support to acquire the tools to manage it without it impacting on their wellbeing and quality of life.

Anxiety at work

It is an increasingly common problem where excessive work-related stress and worry can lead to physical and mental problems. Some of the ways anxiety can manifest itself include headaches, digestive problems, fatigue, irritability and sleep problems.

Mobbing or harassment at work

Workplace bullying is a form of workplace violence that can occur verbally, physically or psychologically, and can have a major impact on the mental and emotional health of the person affected. Bullying can be a major cause of anxiety and stress at work, which ends up affecting different areas of professionals' lives. Therefore, from an individual coping point of view, it is important that the people who suffer it can have the tools to deal with this situation. It is also important for the company to put in place tools for early detection and intervention.


Benefits of psychology therapy for employees: take care of your mental health

Considering the potential consequences that mental health problems can have on both the employee's well-being and the company itself, it is essential that companies take care of both the physical and mental integrity of their employees so that they can perform better at work. The inclusion of psychological therapy as part of employee care has demonstrated multiple benefits for both companies and employees.

Reducing the rate of absenteeism

Health is the fundamental basis for many other indicators that are important at work. Thus, psychological support in the workplace can give employees the tools they need to manage stress and anxiety for their well-being and improve their performance at work. This results in lower absenteeism rates related to mental health problems.

Reduce the number of sick leaves

Learning to manage stress and anxiety helps to prevent the onset of illness and injury, both physical and mental, thus reducing sick leave.

Reducing employee stress

By learning to manage stress, employees can improve their mental and physical well-being and become more effective at work. This is possible by incorporating techniques such as relaxation, problem-solving skills and mindfulness exercises, among many others. However, psychological support can individualise the strategies to adapt them to each person and their situation, resulting in better results and greater learning.

Encouraging proactive and team-based workplaces

Psychological support can develop effective communication and conflict resolution tools for a friendlier and more productive work environment.

Coping with anxiety and stress at work

By teaching emotion management techniques, employees can be better equipped to cope with these feelings. Mental health professionals can provide tools for boundary setting, time management and managing work expectations, thereby improving employee well-being and performance.

Improving workers' self-esteem and morale

Employees can find emotional support, where they can identify certain thought patterns that may be dysfunctional, and which can often affect their self-esteem and mood.

Improving work performance and productivity

By improving the mental wellbeing that often affects employees, psychological support can improve not only the working environment but also the productivity of the whole team.


Forms and examples of promoting organisational wellbeing

There are a number of ways to improve employee wellbeing and achieve an increase in employee performance, among which it may be suggested to incorporate some of the following measures:

  • Train and raise awareness on the importance of wellness and health care.
  • Offer wellness programmes.
  • Promote healthy lifestyles within the organisation.
  • Making resources available to employees, such as Employee Support programmes, which allow for individualised attention.

Stimulus and its employee counselling programme

At Stimulus, we are committed to the wellbeing of employees, which is why we have a Psychological Support Programme that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Through this service, we offer personalised and confidential care, through different channels such as telephone, chat, video consultation or our Stimulus Care Services platform.

In addition, we have a crisis intervention programme, in which we accompany employees in situations that may have a serious impact on their health, such as accidents at work, illness or death of colleagues or a robbery situation. In this way, we help to prevent the possible impacts that can result from experiencing this type of situation.

At Stimulus, we have extensive experience in the assessment and prevention of psychosocial risks in the workplace. Through the implementation of tools and methodologies we are able to promote well-being and prevent mental health problems in the workplace. We are committed to working with your organisation to ensure a healthy and beneficial work environment for both your company and employees.